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A Human-Centered Approach to Advancing Antiracism: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Drexel University Week: Sharrelle Barber, assistant professor of epidemiology, discusses a new approach...

Report: Number of HSIs Fell During the Pandemic

The number of Hispanic-serving institutions in the United States decreased during the 2020–21 academic year, from 569 to 559, the...

Biden Urged to Extend Freeze on Loan Payments

The Democratic chairs of the Senate and House education committees urged President Biden to extend the freeze on student loan...

New Programs: Finance, Nursing and Business, Data Science

California State University, Sacramento, is starting a master of science in finance. Midway University, in Kentucky, is starting a master...

$100M Gift Establishes New Design Research Center at MIT

A $100 million gift to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will establish a new interdisciplinary center focused on design research...

Using Data to Drive Student Success | Available On-Demand

Today student success isn't a "nice to have," it's a must. And colleges and universities that aren't mining available data...

Looking to Scandinavia for American Prison Reform

There is often a better way to do things, if you know where to find it. In today’s Academic Minute...

A Win for Academic Mothers

UT Austin lost a pregnancy- and sex-bias case against a professor who said the university held her motherhood against her in her tenure bid. Now the university owes her $3 million.