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Poll Finds the Public Doesn’t Favor Affirmative Action

Pew poll of American adults finds 74 percent think race and ethnicity should not be considered in admissions decisions. For gender, 82 percent think it shouldn’t be considered.

Helping Prospective Students See Themselves on Campus

With some students not able to make it to campus for an in-person tour, colleges must ensure their virtual tours offer a clear sense of what the campus is like, says Mary Kreta of the University of Montana.

Blame the Deans

Law firm says former dean of education left out data that would bring down University of Southern California’s score from 2013 to 2020, and the current dean did so in 2021, before coming clean to the provost.

New Threats to Tenure and Faculty Speech

Serious changes to faculty speech and tenure rights went under the radar in Mississippi until they were passed. Now that the secret’s out, faculty advocates are pushing back—including by raising concerns about constitutionality.

Illinois Springfield Faculty Vote No Confidence in Provost

Faculty members at the University of Illinois at Springfield reached a no-confidence vote on provost and vice chancellor Dennis Papini...

The Week in Admissions News

Tuition waivers for Native Americans; more Pell Grants for prisoners; Ohio State ends iPad program; hazing at Baylor.

College Can’t Level the Playing Field (by Itself)

Rather than place unrealistic expectations on colleges, advocates for college opportunity should prioritize investments in children, Sandy Baum and Michael McPherson write.

Ethical College Admissions: MIT, Diamonds in the Rough and the Testing Culture Wars

Will MIT change and challenge the test-optional movement? Jim Jump considers the possibilities.