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Many Liberal Arts Students Need a Lesson in Free Speech

They are both more accepting of attempts to silence speech and overwhelmingly more liberal than their public and private university counterparts, argues Samuel J. Abrams.

Scholar Apologizes for Criticizing Bisexual Comic Character

Christopher Newport University is facing calls to fire a scholar in residence who questioned DC Comics’ recent decision to make...

Liberty President Stated Goal of ‘Getting People Elected’

Liberty University president Jerry Prevo told a top university official that he wanted the university’s internal think tank to become...

Food Pantries Merge to Fight Campus Hunger

Swipe Out Hunger and the College and University Food Bank Alliance join forces to reach more campuses and end food insecurity for students.

Howard President Says Student Protest ‘Must End’

The two-week occupation of Howard University’s student center “must end,” President Wayne A. I. Frederick wrote in an open letter...

Akron Will Keep Vaccine Requirement

The University of Akron, which announced earlier this month that it was reconsidering its vaccine mandate, will keep it. "Even...

Nearly One-Third of Jewish Students Report Campus Anti-Semitism

Almost a third -- 32 percent -- of Jewish college students said they personally experienced anti-Semitism directed at them on...

West Liberty Faculty Vote No Confidence in President

The West Liberty University Faculty Senate voted no confidence in President W. Franklin Evans Tuesday after determining several weeks ago...