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I-Hsin “Joey” Chen has agreed to plead guilty to one count of wire fraud and honest services wire fraud in the college admissions scandal. Chen was previously scheduled for trial on Jan. 13, 2022.

Chen will plead guilty to his role in a scheme to defraud ACT by paying Rick Singer $75,000 to bribe Igor Dvorskiy, a corrupt test administrator, to allow Mark Riddell, a corrupt test proctor, to secretly correct Chen’s son’s ACT exam answers to obtain a fraudulently inflated score. Singer, Dvorskiy and Riddell have already entered guilty pleas.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the defendant has agreed to a sentence, subject to the court’s approval, of nine weeks in prison, one year of supervised release with 100 hours of community service and a fine of $75,000.

Chen will be the 38th and final parent to either plead guilty or be convicted by a jury following trial.