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Admissions Official and Consultant -- at the Same Time

Associate admissions director at Wharton ran consulting business on the side to help students get into college.

'Business' by Any Other Name...

Many liberal arts colleges have long struggled to balance increasing emphases on professional preparation with a core curriculum. Business, in...

Four Campuses, Much Green Talk

A sampling of global warming "teach-in" day events features faculty panels, classroom discussions and environmental demonstrations.


One university won't open its doors. Another declines to show a documentary. It isn't personal, but fears over IRS rules and perceived bias are at the heart of recent Obama snubs.

Calling Out Colleges on Student Learning

Two higher education groups say academic leaders should take charge of effort to collect and publicly report outcomes -- largely shunning "comparability" pushed by politicians.

Warning From a Friend

Lamar Alexander is among higher education's most avid supporters in Congress. But he had tough words for them Wednesday.