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  • James O. Freedman, who served as president of Dartmouth College and the University of Iowa and who was a highly respected and eloquent advocate for the liberal arts, died Tuesday of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Dartmouth announced. Freedman was credited with strengthening the intellectual climate at Dartmouth and bolstering its finances and its reputation. In moves that offended some conservative alumni but that had wide backing from faculty members, he took on The Dartmouth Review, a divisive conservative publication, in a way that diminished its influence; pushed to diversify the college's faculty, student body and curriculum; and spoke out frankly about the way elite institutions like Dartmouth had -- for much of their history -- discriminated against Jewish students.
  • A University of Memphis law professor has angered students by banning laptops from her classroom, the Associated Press reported.  June Entman, the professor, told the AP that students were trying to transcribe everything she said, and that they would be more connected to the class intellectually if they listened and took noted with pen and paper. Students said that they take better notes with a laptop and have organized a petition drive against the rule.
  • The State University of New York will sign an agreement with Long Island University that will allow SUNY-Stony Brook to purchase Long Island's Southampton campus, Newsday reported. The campus has been used for a liberal arts program that is being phased out. Stony Brook officials told Newsday that the focus of the campus would be on environmental sustainability as well as on the arts.
  • Voters in the Western Illinois counties served by Black Hawk College on Tuesday voted down a proposed tax increase to benefit the community college, Quad Cities Online reported.
  • Where would students enroll if they could go anywhere? New York University, students told the Princeton Review in a survey released Tuesday. Asked for their "dream college" if money (and getting in) were not an issue, NYU was the No. 1 choice of the nearly 4,000 college applicants surveyed, followed by Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Yale. Parents, though, had slightly different answers for the "dream college" they'd choose for their children: Princeton was tops, trailed by Stanford, Harvard, Notre Dame and Duke.

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