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Don't Panic

John Fry is skipping over some of the biggest names in his Rolodex these days. With the economy in a...

Alternative Measure of Success

Many say U.S. graduation rate formula is hopelessly flawed. U. of Alaska at Anchorage creates its own method -- and invites others to follow.

Med School Enrollments Are Up, Applications Down

Latino figures show substantial gain, due in part to opening of new branches in parts of the country with large Hispanic populations.

Surprising Impact of Student Loan Crunch

46% of private colleges report that some students have "stopped out" of school or shifted to part-time study because they could not get private loans to pay tuition.

Debating Ideas vs. Legitimizing Falsehoods

Northern Kentucky U. to hold mock trial for fictional high school teacher fired for teaching creationism -- with the audience as jury. Is the university bolstering discussion of tough issues or undercutting science?

Dollars and Sense

In the midst of an economic crisis, financial literacy programs at colleges around the country are expanding.