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  • The chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education resigned Sunday after a spat with leaders of the state Board of Regents, according to the Associated Press. James E. Rogers, who had been interim and then permanent chancellor since May 2004, sent a two-word letter to the board's chair, Bret Whipple, that said: "I quit." Whipple and another regent, James Dean Leavitt, had held a news conference Friday in which they called on Rogers to either retract comments he had made in an earlier letter or resign. Rogers's earlier and more expansive letter had criticized Whipple for an earlier letter in which he derided Leavitt's "total lack of knowledge and sophistication in the operation of any large organization."
  • Colleges and universities borrowed more than $1 billion on the municipal bond market last week, Bloomberg reported. Among the top borrowers: the Universities of California and Colorado and Pennsylvania State University.
  • The University of Connecticut has shut down a controversial neuroscience research project involving monkeys -- following complaints from animal rights groups and federal officials about the treatment of animals, The Hartford Courant reported.
  • A government panel is calling for major changes in higher education in India. The Times of India reported that the panel wants to see a dramatic increase in the number of universities in the country. In addition, the panel is urging a broadening of current affirmative action policies, which focus on caste and social groups, to also consider income, gender, and geography. The Times reported that a "deprivation index" be used to factor in such characteristics, along with exam scores.
  • The latest TV show to develop a cult following among students is CNBC's "Mad Money," according to The Boston Globe. Dozens of colleges have asked to be part of the filming tours for the show.
  • W.H. Knight Jr., dean of the University of Washington Law School, plans to leave that position in June. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the resignation comes amid a state ethics investigation into whether Knight improperly used university computer networks on behalf of State Farm Insurance, of which he is a director. Both Knight and the university said that the timing was coincidental and that he believed it was an appropriate time for the law school to have new leadership.
  • Police officers at the University of California at Berkeley on Friday morning evicted protesters who have been camping outside an oak grove since last month to provide support to other protesters who have been living in the trees, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The protests involve a university plan to remove 42 trees to build a new athletic center. The six protesters sitting in the trees were not moved on Friday.
  • The board of James Madison University -- facing criticism over its September decision to eliminate 10 athletic teams -- listened Friday to a presentation arguing for restoration of the teams. But the board is sticking by its decision, a spokesman said Friday.

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