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From Bad to Worse for David Horowitz

Pennsylvania panel strips language he liked and affirms that students aren't oppressed for political views. He decries "cabal" for "stealing" report.

Domestic Partner Benefits Win a Round

Ohio judge rejects challenge to Miami University's program, but holds open possibility of future challenge.

Backlash Over Student Group's Demands

Whether it's a testament to the organizing muscle of Facebook or the intense feelings about race issues at Indiana University-Purdue...

Hopkins Endorses Gender Parity

University commits to 50% representation in professoriate and among executive leadership by 2020.

Input or Intrusion?

Pro-Israel groups oppose a job candidate at Wayne State and a tenure candidate at Barnard, setting off new debates on academic freedom.

Flagships Flunked on Access

Study gives 32 universities grades of D or F on enrolling and educating minority and needy students -- but some doubt its premises.