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Sustaining "Sputnik Moments"

Foreign language study in the United States has had many a “Sputnik moment,” as H. Jay Siskin, a French instructor...

Ethics Rules and Corporate Gifts

Public institutions feel a pinch as the state of Connecticut tightens regulations governing donations by companies.

Rallying and Quibbling on Tenure Plan

MLA proposal to change how professors are hired and promoted draws generally strong support -- and some objections on details.

Academic Fashions Aren't Just Sartorial

At last year's annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, Elisabeth Ladenson found herself in discussion with a bus dispatcher...

Race and Careers

English and language professors consider how who they are affects their jobs -- and who gets hired for which positions.

Another Stab at Science Education

National Science Board committee grapples with solutions for improving education and teaching in STEM fields.

A Room for Jack and Jill

A new student-run group offers help to students starting campaigns for "gender neutral" housing on campuses nationwide.