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Shifts in Grad Enrollments

Figures for first-time students who are from the U.S. are up 6 percent; new international numbers are flat, with significant variation by country.

Teaching for Free

U. of California at Davis asks faculty to forfeit stipends they get for leading freshman seminars, generating some givebacks and some resentment.

The All-Time Worst E-Mail Mistake

Most of us have probably hit "send" once or twice before being certain that the correct person (and only the...

Universities Vow Shift in Patent Policy to Aid the Poor

Six universities today will issue a joint pledge to make patent and licensing decisions on drugs developed at their institutions...

Kitty Genovese Lesson in New Hampshire

Mark W. Huddleston, president of the University of New Hampshire, last week published a letter in the student newspaper raising...

A Call to Innovate in Academic Medicine

Even if Congress and President Obama agree on health care reform legislation, much of the actual reform will require the...

Anger at Northwestern Over Blackface Costumes

Many students at Northwestern University are upset over the blackface Halloween costumes of some white students, NBC Chicago reported. Morton...

Fans and Fears of 'Lecture Capture'

DENVER — If professors record their lectures and put them online, will students still come to class? That question came...