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  • A federal judge has rejected a bias lawsuit filed by a Christian school and its students charging that the University of California violated their rights by not certifying some of their courses as meeting entry requirements at the university system, the Los Angeles Times reported. The university has argued that it rejected the courses based on academic shortcomings, not the religious views of the school.
  • Two psychology professors at the University of Missouri at Kansas City -- C. Keith Haddock and Walker S. Carlos Poston II -- have agreed to give up tenure rather than facing tenure revocation hearings, The Kansas City Star reported. Last year, the university paid $1.1 million to settle a lawsuit charging that the two professors engaged in sexual harassment. The professors have denied wrongdoing, but one of the women who sued noted that the professors were making a statement about the case by quitting their jobs.
  • The University of Nebraska at Lincoln has kicked Paul Donahoe (a former national champion in his weight class) and Kenny Jordan off the wrestling team after photographs and videos of them, naked, appeared on, a gay pornographic Web site, the Associated Press reported. Mark Manning, the coach, said that the athletes' conduct "does not reflect the standard of excellence we aspire to on and off the mat." The athletes could not be reached for comment. John Marsh, who runs, told the AP that "if Nebraska is going to be pigheaded and kick him off unreasonably, there has to be another wrestling program that's going to want him." He declined to say how much the two had been paid, but said: "It's not money that they would be making working as a waiter.... They get well-compensated. It's better than beer money." The photos were first publicized by The Scarlet Project, a Web site for "news, scandal and gossip" at the university.
  • Mohammed Taheri-Azar, a former student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pleaded guilty Tuesday to first-degree attempted murder for his actions in March 2006, when he drove a sport utility vehicle into a group of people on campus, saying he wanted to avenge Muslim deaths overseas, the Associated Press reported. Nine people were injured.
  • More than 54,000 college students in Florida are receiving Food Stamps, an increase of 44 percent over this time last year, The Miami Herald reported. The increase is attributed to the deteriorating economy.
  • The push to get domestic partner benefits for employees of Palm Beach Community College continues to be pushed back. Last year, the college's board tied on a vote to grant the benefits, with the tie meaning that the benefits were not added. When a few months later the college added as a benefit health insurance options for employee pets (but still not for unmarried partners), many gay employees were outraged. On Tuesday, the board returned to the issue of benefits for human partners, with college administrators recommending the addition and hopeful that it would be accepted. This time, the board decided that it needed a legal opinion on whether a new state law limiting the authority of various local boards meant that the board would be exceeding its rights by granting the benefits. While several other community colleges in the state provide the benefits, those polices were adopted before the new state law. A legal opinion is now being sought, and the board will return to the issue next month. A college spokeswoman said that board members did not indicate how they would vote if the legal opinion upholds their right to adopt the policy.
  • NAFSA: Association of International Educators has released a set of recommendations on how the next president of the United States can use international education to promote the national interest. The recommendations include measures the group has previously endorsed on study abroad, international education and visa policies.

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