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Washed Up

Google Wave was supposed to make class discussions richer and more coherent. It was supposed to make research collaborations easier...

California Dreamer

Much of the news surrounding the University of California system has involved whether the network of universities will be able...

Buying Local, Online

That online education knows no geographical limitations is considered one of the platform’s more disruptive qualities. To entrepreneurs, it means...

Finding Friends - and Ambiguity

NEW YORK -- Gatherings of fund raisers, alumni affairs leaders, and communications experts in higher education have for years, one...

Continuing Debate Over Online Education

Online education has become a hot topic recently, with more and more institutions wanting to expand offerings. And that makes...

Google and the Digital Humanities

Proponents of the Google Books project have argued that the effort to scan every printed book in the world into...

A Marriage Made in Indiana

Just about everywhere you turn, state leaders are searching for a way to use online education to expand the reach...

Blackboard's Big Buy

Blackboard announced on Wednesday it is buying out two software companies in an effort to bolster its real-time collaboration features...