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From Boardroom to Classroom

In the age of the MOOC and recorded lectures, some colleges are turning back to videoconferencing as a tool for distance education.

Unlikely Pairing?

Wellesley's move to join edX and Wesleyan's entry into Coursera offer a chance to apply liberal arts college ideals to MOOCs, and potentially vice versa.

Questioning Clay Shirky

It's time to start challenging the popular critique of higher education -- and the way the views of many academics have been belittled or ignored, writes Aaron Bady.

More Cracks in the Credit Hour

The Carnegie Foundation, which created the credit hour, considers a redesign so the standard could better fit with emerging approaches to higher education.

The Customer Is Always Right

To measure and improve the quality of student services, Marymount University administrators enlisted students to act as mystery shoppers and critique its offices.

Assessing Campus Libraries

Survey says students are generally satisfied with campus libraries, although a significant minority view them as irrelevant to academic success.

Wielding 'Power Users'

As MOOC "power users" emerge, Coursera looks to deputize its most devoted students to improve its courses.

To MOOC or Not to MOOC?

The dominant model may not make sense for liberal arts colleges, but if you take away the "massive" part, there is great potential, write W. Joseph King and Michael Nanfito.