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Wiki Worker Wanted

West Virginia U searches for a first-of-its-kind "Wikipedian-in-residence" to increase the number of women contributors to the online encyclopedia.

Antiskimming Software

Business professors find another use for software created to help them teach case studies: preventing students from skimming.

Feuding Over Digital Courseware

The debate over digital courseware's adoption suffers from oversimplification, writes Gates Bryant, who breaks down the nuances of the important discussion.

Higher Ed Upvoted

On Reddit, the "Wild West" of social networks, individual scholars and publishers find authenticity helps in establishing a presence.

'A Playground for Hackers'

As Pennsylvania State University investigates two sets of sophisticated cyberattacks, IT security experts say more attacks are likely on the way.

Online Classmates or Bystanders?

A study on bystander behavior and cyberbullying raises questions about student behavior in large online courses.

Patience and Fortitude

Three years ago, the New York Public Library almost succumbed to a dubious renovation plan. Scott McLemee reports on a book about what happened next.

Arizona's Online Holdout

U of Arizona plans to emphasize its land-grant status as it joins the state's other public universities in offering online degrees for undergraduates.