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Do MOOCs Help?

Study explores outcomes in Coursera's massive open online courses, suggesting many learners come away with tangible career and educational benefits.

What We’ve Learned From MOOCs

Massive open online courses have not lived up to their early hype -- what could? -- but they’ve made important contributions nonetheless, write John Mitchell, Mitchell Stevens and Candace Thille.

The Desire Path of Texting

Like it or not, texting is the new normal, and in the name of student success, faculty members must move forward.

HBCUs Look Online

Historically black North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State U, which aims to increase its enrollment by nearly 50 percent over the next decade, is one of several HBCUs that see online education as a way to grow.

Breakup in Florida?

UF Online has told Pearson it may terminate controversial 11-year deal, but both sides say negotiations continue about a possible continued role for the company.

Would-Be Disruptor Shifts Gears

A plan to create an accreditor for online programs adopts a new model: free MOOCs to help students earn placement credit.

New and Improved Writing in Your Underwear

Brian Goedde explains how he came to embrace online learning for a form of teaching known for its in-person experience.

When the Only Seat Is in Front of a Screen

U of Central Florida is using lecture-capture technology to enroll more students than can fit in its classrooms. But is a live stream a sufficient replacement for a face-to-face lecture?