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Colleges Dodge Massive Cyberattack

Colleges in the U.S. -- at least for now -- are reporting few incidents related to WannaCry, the attack that knocked out services and systems worldwide. Brazosport was hit.

Indiana's Active-Learning Mosaic Expands

The university brings its active-learning initiative to regional campuses, seeking to boost student engagement.

Scenes From Salt Lake

How Blackboard became Blackboard, a cameo by Secretary DeVos, and the vibe at the annual ASU + GSV educational technology conference.

2U Acquires Way Into Certificate and International Markets

As reported in Inside Higher Ed this week, the online program management company 2U is describing its acquisition of GetSmarter...

Online Exam Proctoring Catches Cheaters, Raises Concerns

Many administrators and faculty members say online exam proctoring works and is vital to expanding online programs. But some question, at what cost?

Ask These Questions During Search for Online Exam Proctoring Company

Colleges and universities are increasingly employing companies to proctor online exams. If your institution plans to sign a contract with...

Trial and Error: Flipped Course Boosts Passing Rates to 80+ Percent

Students taking general chemistry at Hunter and Lehman Colleges were passing at 60 and 35 percent rates, respectively. A new course format that includes videos, podcasts and no textbooks quickly improved outcomes.

More tips for navigating the sometimes delicate instructor-instructional designer dynamic

The following lists, compiled by Jon Aleckson and Penny Ralston-Berg for their book MindMeld: Micro-Collaboration between eLearning Designers and Instructor...