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Moodlerooms No More. Now It's Blackboard Open LMS

Blackboard has formally changed the name of its product that serves institutions that use Moodle's open-source learning management system, in...

Moodlerooms No More. Now It's Blackboard Open LMS

Blackboard has formally changed the name of its product that serves institutions that use Moodle's open-source learning management system, in...

Google Curriculum, College Credit

Tech giant gets hands-on with its new online IT certificate, as a growing number of community colleges and Northeastern University create credit pathways with the curriculum.

Learning Engineers Inch Toward the Spotlight

What is a learning engineer, and how is it different from other roles?

Preparing for the Post-LMS World

If it isn’t already, the learning management system will soon be obsolete, Jonathan Rees argues. Let’s replace it in ways that treat professors like the professionals they are.

Pushing the Boundaries of Learning With AI

A growing number of academics are experimenting with new technologies powered by artificial intelligence, but many of the technologies aren't yet ready for prime time.

When a Temporary Visa Is More Temporary Than Thought

British academic said she had to leave the country after Johns Hopkins declined to submit an application to renew her H-1B visa due to perceived likelihood of denial.

Furor Over Blended and Active Learning

Business students at the University of Central Florida agitate for alternatives to a model that heavily shifts their learning time to outside the classroom and reduces exposure to instructors. Administrators say their approach is educationally sound.