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Implementing Adaptive Courseware, Step by Step

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities released today an extensive six-step guide to implementing and scaling adaptive courseware. The...

Consortia Show Signs of Strength

A few state- or systemwide organizations supporting digital learning have closed in recent years, but those left standing have solidified their value, according to a new WCET report.

Tools for Identifying and Recruiting Online Students

A new study from the University of Florida offers ideas for recruiting and identifying online students, as well as outsourcing...

Google Enters the Fray

The company is offering its computer science curriculum -- and kicking in some funds -- to 10 institutions this academic year, with more to follow.

Is Ed Tech Serving Man?

Educational technology companies have some trust issues and should be required to prove that they're pursuing more than their own financial bottom line, John Katzman and Stephen Bailey argue.

OER Report Highlights Potential for Quality and Cost Savings

Earlier this month Achieving the Dream released a full report on the outcomes of its OER Degree Initiative, which has...

Sony Collaborative Unites Institutions for Idea Sharing on Tech

Representatives from 11 institutions have been meeting regularly since last November to swap ideas and ponder technology for an ongoing...

Implementing Adaptive Courseware, Step by Step

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities released today an extensive six-step guide to implementing and scaling adaptive courseware. The...