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Moody's Report Offers Overview of Shifting Online Landscape

A new Moody's report on the online education market projects further growth, potential consolidation and continued challenges for for-profit providers...

Moody's Report Offers Overview of Shifting Online Landscape

A new Moody's report on the online education market projects further growth, potential consolidation and continued challenges for for-profit providers...

Moving Forward (at Last) on Federal Rule Changes

Negotiators reached consensus on issues such as "regular and substantive" interaction and state authorization. Experts on online learning say the new rules will provide needed clarifications, but advocates for students worry about potential abuses.

Online Enabler Aims for Lifelong Learning

2U adds boot camps to its offerings of online graduate degrees and courses with $750 million acquisition of Trilogy.

Going Outside to Grow

When a legacy online program started to languish, Michigan State University leaders brought in a corporate provider to boost student enrollment. Will others do the same?

OpenStax Seeks Applications for Institutional OER Partnerships

OpenStax -- Rice University's nonprofit initiative for affordable, openly licensed textbooks -- has opened applications for its second round of...

UC San Diego Adds Data Collection to EdX MOOC Platform

The University of California, San Diego, has added a real-time course activity feed to its Open EdX platform, allowing for...

Online Program Tuition, Netflix-Style

Idaho's largest state university has introduced a new reduced-price tuition model, geared toward rural adults, for two of its online programs: students subscribe for a year then pay automatically once a month.