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iPad U.

As another step in the overhaul of its core curriculum, Lynn University will require every first-year student to purchase an iPad mini, and will use iTunes U as a content delivery method for those courses.

MOOCs Assessed, Modestly

At HigherEdTech Summit, enthusiasts and a skeptic or two weigh the game-changing impact (so far and potentially) of massive open online courses.

Paying for Proof

Coursera unveils fee-based, verified courses, which could generate revenue for the company and its university partners.

Growth for Online Learning

Annual survey finds that enrollments in online courses and programs grew at 9.3 percent rate, lowest level in a decade -- and that campus officials don't know what to make of MOOCs.

Crowdsourcing Comments

Rather than having students wait weeks for feedback on homework, MIT professor has developed computer program that assigns diverse group of people to review small chunks of each student's work. MIT may use program in MOOCs.

The Year Ahead in IT, 2013

In the new installment of his annual feature, Lev Gonick dissects the technology developments that are likely to change higher ed -- and not -- in the year ahead.

Promise and Pitfalls in Online Ed

A stalwart of humanities and an online learning pioneer -- Catharine Stimpson and Ann Kirschner -- debate the pros and cons of technology-enabled higher education.

Freelance Professors

StraighterLine and Udemy offer the potential of self-employment to entrepreneurial professors. But will a free market for online teaching pay off for faculty?