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The Increasingly Digital Community College

Distance learning programs at community colleges continue to grow even as two-year institutions' enrollment falls.

Online Penalty

Large study of California community college students finds that they are more likely to succeed in in-person courses.

Online Expansion Held Back

Yale U.'s hybrid physician assistant program hits an accreditation snag -- a win for critics who have wanted the program to be evaluated as a stand-alone offering.

A Higher Profile

LinkedIn buys for $1.5 billion, adding online courses to the job networking site's growing portfolio of higher education-related tools.

Surveying the MOOC Landscape

An updated study of massive open online courses from Harvard U. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finds diverse learner populations and interests -- and the need for more research.

In Due Time

Apart from cases such as Oral Roberts U.'s smartwatch pilot, experiments with the "internet of things" are still years away at most colleges and universities -- but questions about privacy and cheating remain.

Blogs, Essays or Both?

U. of Michigan researcher finds that different formats for assignments result in notably different qualities of writing.

The End of College?

New America's Kevin Carey answers questions about his new book, The End of College, which looks to the past in charting a possible future for higher education.