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MOOC Lessons, Beyond the Hype

Author discusses his new book that argues that we've learned much about online learning, once you move past the boasts from early proponents.

Who’s On Point for Online Learning?

Survey aims to identify who leads digital learning strategies at colleges and universities -- and what they think.

Adaptive Learning for Advanced Math

UC Santa Cruz finds that follow-up to initial placement testing can move students toward higher level work.

Why Selling to Higher Ed Is So Difficult

In the debut of Joshua Kim's "Technology and Learning" blog at Inside Digital Learning, he outlines three challenges.

Beyond Teaching by Instinct

"Learning science" is becoming a buzzword, but it means experimenting with new approaches and learning from what doesn't work as well as what does, writes Michael Feldstein. And everyone who teaches for a living must do it.

Other New Coverage of Digital Learning

Inside Higher Ed's other coverage of digital learning during the past week.

Hybrid education a hot topic at AAC&U

The Association of American Colleges & Universities convenes this week in San Francisco for its annual meeting. Hot topics that...

A Sense of Belonging

Study finds completing a 10-minute activity at the beginning of a MOOC can lead to significantly improved outcomes for certain at-risk learners.