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Photo of a woman with her hair pulled back and staring at the camera. The image is overlaid with zeros and ones to suggest a computerized world.

How AI Tools Both Help and Hinder Equity

The technology promises to assist students with disadvantages in developing skills needed for success. But AI also threatens to widen the education gap like no tech before it.

Ep. 97: Promoting Student Well-Being in Today's Learning Environments

A discussion of the special challenges and strategies for the growing numbers of students who are studying fully or partially online.

Landscape scene from prehistoric times with dinosaurs and a human flying in a orb-like craft

Arizona State’s Big Bet on Virtual Reality Labs

The university drops in-person labs in intro biology courses after an experiment that boosted inclusivity. But some question whether the technology can faithfully replicate scientific pursuits.

Melissa Woo of Michigan State

Academics Fall For and Fret About Technology

Amid talk about metaversities, student success data and online well-being, attendees at Digital Universities U.S. conference express worries about the rapid emergence of generative AI.

Whatever Happened to MIT and Harvard’s Big EdX Profit?

The two institutions debuted Axim Collaborative, a new nonprofit focused on broadening college access. The new venture offers a bold vision with scant details. 

Logo for the voice chat app Discord, which has a silhouette of a gaming device

Discord for Leaking Military Files—and Exam Questions

College students use the social media app to express themselves and connect with others. But given the platform’s problematic history, some professors offer guidance for safe use.

A person in a red boat helps another person escape shark-infested waters.

How Can Online College Be Both ‘Promising’ and ‘Predatory’?

As with health news about chocolate or wine, higher ed news about online college can seem contradictory. Some researchers say it’s time to retire one-word descriptors.

Illustration of a Signature

A Better Way to Address Revenue-Sharing and Online Marketing

The Education Department is right to try to regulate third-party providers and curtail online marketing, but there’s a simpler, more transparent way to do it, James DeVaney and John Katzman write.