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Slaying the Messenger?

U. of North Carolina student faces discipline for speaking about her rape allegation, after a campus panel dismissed her case and she became party to a federal complaint against UNC.

Snapshot Dissertation

Should universities require graduate students to pare down years of research into a soundbite that can be understood by non-scholars?

Biting the Bullet on Completion

A community college tries to boost its completion rate, but takes a 20 percent enrollment hit in the process.

Redefining College-Ready

Long Beach City College and South Texas College work with local high schools to prevent students from falling into the quagmire of remedial courses, and placement tests aren't the answer.

Why the NCAA Will Play On

The college sports group is "reviled and legally besieged," but after 30 years of tilting at its windmills, Murray Sperber believes it is legally and politically invulnerable.

NCAA Missteps in Miami

One-fifth of the information obtained by the association in its investigation of the University of Miami will be tossed -- as will several employees -- because staff and managers acted inappropriately, an external review found.

Wielding the Club

Bill passed by Virginia Senate would allow student religious and political organizations to bar members who disagree with their mission, regardless of colleges' anti-bias rules.

The Politics of Joint Events

Students petition Hillel to end its ban on co-sponsoring events with groups that advocate boycott of Israel.