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Underpaid Coaches?

New study says universities actually spend more per professor on salaries than they do per coach, and that high athletic salaries derive from funds that don't come from the state or institution.

New Measure of Success

College associations create system to convey more information on completion than is provided by federal report.

Community College Counseling Gains

Survey of two-year-college centers shows increases in staffing and greater , but continued straining to keep up with student mental health needs and demands.

Uphill Battle for HBCU Athletes

Despite some targeted support from the NCAA, historically black colleges struggle to keep up with increased academic standards. Given enrollments dominated by underprepared students, is more money enough?

Credit Creep

Community colleges often require more than 60 credits for associate degrees, which could be a barrier to graduation for some students.

A Massive Burden

The Education Department's approach to sexual harassment will cost a great deal of time and money, and will limit free expression, writes Samantha Harris.

Mind the Gap

Lumina Foundation sets 10 new degree attainment goals for 2016 while decrying growing racial and ethnic gaps.

Freedom of Speech Lives On

Critics of the Education Department's approach to preventing sexual harassment are distorting the government's policies and ignoring how they are carried out, writes Andrea Stagg.