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Easing Up on Penn State

To "recognize and reward" Penn State for progress it's made in the past year, the NCAA revoked some of the penalties it issued after Jerry Sandusky's conviction.

Guttings on the Gridiron

Smaller football programs have long scheduled top-25 teams to gain money and national exposure, but at the expense of the educational mission and athletes' well-being, critics say.

'Community of Scholars'

Graduate students at the University of Michigan object to details -- including the rent -- of a new residence hall funded by billionaire alum.

It's Not Just Alabama

Segregation in sororities is neither a surprise nor unique to Alabama, experts on the Greek system say.

Penn State Backs Down

Amid faculty uproar, university abandons requirement that those who don't comply with annual health testing -- and complete a detailed health profile -- pay $100 a month.

Broadening the Transgender Agenda

While some still reject gender-neutral housing, other colleges are pushing transgender inclusion with new policies.

Buyer Beware

College officials raise concerns about the private international student health insurance market, where there are plans that exclude coverage for chemotherapy or only pay up to $3,000 for surgery.

Cracking the Door Open?

Following reports that U. of Alabama sororities won't admit black members, president of university imposes system that will expand opportunities to join chapters. Is this enough?