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Shift on Grad Unions

NYU offers to permit election on collective bargaining for teaching assistants, but not for research assistants. Move marks shift for university, but union leader says it is based on "arbitrary distinctions."

Higher Education's Payoff

A report from the College Board finds that bachelor's-degree recipients earn 65 percent more over a 40-year, full-time work life than high school graduates do.

Job Trends

This year's crop of back-to-school analyses has a heavy focus on jobs. Peter Stokes dissects what that means for colleges and students.

Faculty on the NCAA's Future

Faculty athletics representatives take a stab at NCAA governance recommendations -- and advocate for a new division for the biggest, wealthiest programs. They explain why, and why faculty input matters, in an interview.

Pros as Proof of NCAA Cartel

Comparing professional league salary shares to athletics department scholarship appropriations, study argues NCAA and colleges' monopolistic practices could end only through court action or student unionization.

Less Choice, More Mainstreaming

Latino students need colleges and states to focus on completion as well as access, and to reform remedial education, Colorado's lieutenant governor tells fellow educators.

A Step Closer to Pay-for-Play?

Tens of thousands of athletes will be paid for use of their image in video games, and while the NCAA refuses to settle its portion of the lawsuit, experts say this hurts its case.

Legal Victory for Student Press

After seven years, student newspapers in Virginia achieve First Amendment and financial win with appeals court's reversal of ban on alcohol advertisements.