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The 'Yes Means Yes' World

More than 800 colleges now use "affirmative consent" standard in sexual assault policies, but some worry that the swiftly changing definition could lead to confusion in the dorm room and complications in student conduct hearings.

Fitness Without Athletics

Two years after Spelman announced it was leaving the NCAA, the historically black women's college is attempting a "wellness revolution."

Big Idea, Tall Order

Cathy Davidson’s no stranger to big ideas. But her latest project at CUNY Graduate Center might just be her biggest yet.

'Red Lines' On Israel

Princeton professor protests his preemptive exclusion from a panel based on his support of the academic boycott of Israel.

Blaming the Victim

UW Madison told students that "if you present yourself as easy prey, then expect to attract some wolves." Many said that advice misses the point when it comes to preventing campus sexual assault.

A Conversation Starter

The Degree Qualifications Profile aimed to better define what a degree should mean. As its sponsors release a new version nearly four years later, the document has spurred discussions about learning at hundreds of colleges, but tangible impact has been limited.

Finding a Student's Calling

In a sign of the times, a college cuts its pastoral staff from 2 to 1, to move one of the clergy to the career center to provide a different type of guidance to students.

Confusion on Competency

Audit critical of the Education Department's review process for alternative to the credit hour raises questions about direction of federal policy and could discourage some colleges.