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A young person holds a pen and paper while talking with an older person, smiling.

Career Prep Tip: Incorporate Career Interviews Into a First-Year Seminar

As part of a larger career-readiness curriculum, students at Polk State College complete an interview with someone in their desired career field to learn more about the job and if it aligns with their interests.

Congress Passes FAFSA Formula Fix

Congress moved Thursday to fix an error in the legislation overhauling the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, days after...
A group of multiracial students talk in the library.

Teaching Students to Disagree Respectfully

Students say they are hesitant to engage in discussions on complicated topics. Here are some ways colleges and universities are teaching them to participate confidently in constructive dialogues with their peers.

A photograph of protesting students holding signs on the University of Alabama at Birmingham's campus.

As Alabama Republicans Target DEI, They Propose ‘Gag Order’ on Professors

Free speech groups and students have raised alarm about a bill that flew through the state’s Senate last week and awaits action in the House.

An illustration of a stack of books in a prison cell

Game-Changing Access to Academic Materials in Prison

Doing research on JSTOR is a routine part of many students’ college experience. Now that opportunity is available to hundreds of thousands of incarcerated people.


Protest at Berkeley

Business as usual or cause for alarm?

Students at Goucher College work in a well-lit room at individual desks on their laptops.

Academic Success Tip: A Course to Improve Academics of Students on Probation

Leaders at Goucher College created a new course to help students struggling academically to engage in effective learning strategies and increase their cumulative GPAs.

The gate at the entrance to the UC Berkeley campus, with a handful of people cycling and walking beneath it.

Israeli Speaker Canceled, Event Evacuated at UC Berkeley

Violent pro-Palestinian protests prompted officials to shut down a talk by an Israeli lawyer.