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Why We're Leaving the Football Arms Race

Chuck Staben explains why the University of Idaho has decided to abandon the highest level of NCAA football -- and why his institution is unlikely to be the last to do so.

Sign of the Times

Penn State U's World Campus plans further changes to its faculty development efforts after an online teaching certificate program became a surprise hit among graduate students.

Waiting for the NCAA

Association earned praise for condemning Indiana law that permitted discrimination against gay people. Why doesn't it take a similar stance against its own members?

The 'Great' Graduating Eight

Eight African-American women finish doctorates in education simultaneously this year at Indiana U. They created a "sister circle" for support.

Class Gift: A New Counselor

For their departing gift to the university, seniors at Penn State created an endowment for the university's counseling center to expand mental health services they found wanting.

Defending Dennis Hastert Because He Fought Title IX

U of Chicago coach tells judge that former speaker, about to be sentenced for hiding hush money to cover up charges he molested boys, is "outstanding human being" for taking on U.S. Education Department.

Beyond a Deficit View

Administrators and faculty members desperately need a new language to characterize minority, low-income and first-generation students -- one that frees us from dependence on labels such as “disadvantaged,” argues Byron P. White.

A Health Care Strategy for Higher Ed

Hospitals are experimenting with a new model of care to tackle the demands of an aging population. The same model could help colleges improve student retention rates, experts say.