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Civic Learning

A growing number of colleges and universities are emphasizing civic engagement in their curriculum -- a move institutions say is in response to an erosion of public discourse.

Developing a Flexible Degree

Creating a new competency-based degree program isn't easy, writes Cathy Sandeen, who shares lessons she learned from helping to develop the UW Flexible Option.

Skin in the Game

Colleges should be on some sort of financial hook when their students don’t succeed, writes Carlo Salerno, but why are we pushing for policies to accomplish what's already occurring?

Postdoc Now, Think Later

New study argues science Ph.D.s often plan for postdocs without considering whether they're necessary or beneficial to their career plans. Actual evidence is mixed.

The Ignored Graduates

In federal graduation rates, part-time students and transfers aren’t counted. #CountAllStudents wants to tell those graduates’ stories.

No Pain, No Gain

When students spend more time in physical activities, they are more likely to succeed academically, study finds.

One Campus, Two Student Governments

Frustrated by what they view as the system's lack of commitment to addressing their concerns, minority students at the University of Kansas are forming a parallel student government.

Leaving the Big Time

In a first for the NCAA's Football Bowl Subdivision, the University of Idaho's struggling team is abandoning college football's top level, a reset its president says is best for the institution.