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'Unwarranted Criticism' of Sexual Assault Guidance

More than 80 groups come to the Department of Education's defense over criticism of how it interprets and enforces Title IX.

High-Profile Push for Bystander Intervention

At a Senate education committee hearing, witnesses call for colleges to implement prevention programs and adopt antiharassment policies.

Updated: Sex Assaults and Type of Institution

New study finds higher rates of sexual victimization at public institutions than private colleges.

Fallout From Bad Headlines

A new working paper finds that incidents of murder, sexual assault, hazing and cheating can deter students from applying.

An 'Epidemic' of Academic Fraud

NCAA finds two staff members at Georgia Southern committed academic fraud, completing assignments for three football players. The university joins more than a dozen others that have also committed fraud in the last decade.

Pro Bono

Many universities provide lists of friendly lawyers to athletes accused of sexual assault and other crimes but don't provide the same help to victims or nonathletes with legal troubles. U of Tennessee settlement raises questions about the practice, which the NCAA permits.

Career Counselors or Headhunters?

Career centers are providing more access to some companies than others (for a fee), a move that has career counselors concerned institutions are selling students to the highest bidder.

Anxiety, Depression, Waiting Lists

Survey of counseling center directors finds continued high demand from students for various conditions. Data show centers are diversifying clinical staffs, a demand of many minority student protests.