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From Title IX ‘Witch Hunt’ to Suit

Graduate student who is subject of Title IX critic Laura Kipnis's new book sues for defamation and invasion of privacy.

More Sanctions (and Debate) at Middlebury

College announces sanctions against 19 more students over their roles in disruption of Charles Murray lecture. Some professors -- at Middlebury and elsewhere -- continue to question whether punishment is appropriate.

The Body-Cam Strategy

Though campus police agencies believe body-mounted cameras will help improve transparency, many legal and financial questions remain unanswered.

Flip-Flop on Florida Colleges

Florida’s Legislature looks to shake up the state’s two-year college system once again by cutting funds for developmental education, capping bachelor's degree programs and creating a new oversight board.

Mixed Views on Higher Ed

Americans see the work force and societal value of getting a college degree, a survey from New America finds, but community colleges have more support than do other sectors.

Culturally Responsive Developmental Education

Other institutions can learn from historically black colleges by using culturally responsive teaching to improve developmental education success rates for minority students, new report finds.

Don’t Use Our Brand

Louisiana State University tells athletes not to wear university gear if they talk publicly about the outcome of the Alton Sterling case.

Trickle-Down Antagonism

Right-wing national organizations are directly influencing college and university GOP groups, giving them money and supplies to spread their messages, but on many campuses they seem more focused on attracting controversy than converts.