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DeVos to Replace Obama-Era Sexual Assault Guidelines

Education secretary says department will replace “failed” guidance on campus sexual assault, praised by many survivors’ advocates, with temporary compliance “information” before soliciting comment and issuing new regulations.

Pledges of Continued Vigilance

After Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announces plan to change rules around campus sexual assault investigations, many college-based professionals reassure students that their commitment to preventing and punishing sexual assault remains unchanged.

Looming State-Federal Conflict on Sex Assault

California, New York and other states have embraced Obama’s approach on campus sexual assault -- what happens if Trump reverses course?

Fairness Questioned

New report from FIRE says many colleges’ disciplinary systems deny students due process.

Killing a Doctorate

U of Arizona professor's Ph.D. is revoked after her findings on violent video games are questioned. Some wonder if her mentor and co-author is also to blame.

Socially Savvy Freshmen

A new Stanford study suggests first-year students can judge who will help them have fun and who can be a shoulder to cry on.

They Could Help, So They Did

Students from Western Carolina University’s Bass Fishing Club drove nearly 900 miles, boats in tow, to rescue Texans stranded by Harvey’s floodwaters.

Termination for Harvey Tweet

University of Tampa fires a professor who suggested Texas deserved the hurricane for helping put President Trump in the White House.