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Retaliation for Taking a Knee?

Some Kennesaw State cheerleaders took a knee during the national anthem. The next week, a change to the pregame ceremonies kept them off the field. Albright College kicks off the team a football player who took a knee.

Classroom, Interrupted

Students storm a professor’s class at Columbia to protest the university’s handling of rape cases. It’s unclear if the students involved will face consequences.

Lukewarm Embrace of Free Speech

A new FIRE survey reveals that students broadly support the civil liberty but think there should be limitations.

Campus Carry in Spotlight After Police Officer's Death

Texas Tech student was running afoul of new law, but critics of the pro-gun policy say officers should be the only ones with firearms, legally or not.

Blocking a President From Talking

University of Oregon is third institution in two weeks where speakers have had talks disrupted. Wisconsin board adopts controversial measure that can threaten students who disrupt speakers with expulsion.

A Dangerous Withdrawal

“The Case for Colonialism” has been revoked -- not over claims of shoddy scholarship or publication irregularities but rather threats to the journal editor. Some call it a disturbing precedent that could make academics less safe.

Outsourcing Rape Investigations

Some colleges hire outside parties to look into and judge sexual assault cases, a move meant to ensure fairness in the process.

‘Scheduling Circumstances’

Could there be a worse day to be punished for athletic improprieties than the day you are announcing a mammoth fund-raising campaign? UNC almost found out.