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Not So Cold Cases, After All

What’s to be done about the numerous reports of faculty misconduct dating back years and even decades?

Ghost From the Past

Professor’s essay about being harassed and raped by her late adviser sparks calls for public acknowledgment of the reasons for his past suspension from Stanford and the renaming of a disciplinary society mentorship award that bore his name.

Boosting Completion by Softening Standards?

A nonpartisan watchdog group is questioning whether City Colleges of Chicago is misleading the public with proclamations of dramatic graduation rate increases.

Behind the Publication Gender Gap

Study finds male Ph.D. candidates submit and publish papers at much higher rates than women, even at the same institution. One factor is that women teach more during their Ph.D. programs and men serve more often as research assistants.

Persona Non Grata

Syllabus at Duke barred staffers of campus paper from class on hedge funds.

‘Taxing a Coupon’

Graduate students and higher education experts warn GOP plan to tax tuition waivers would be disastrous to both students’ finances and institutions’ teaching and research missions.

Big-Name Problems for Academe

Billie Wright Dziech examines whether academe, as well as the film industry, will finally decide to deal decisively with the challenges of sexual harassment.

Racial Bullying and Roommates

A student was expelled for allegedly harassing her roommate at the University of Hartford. How can other colleges prevent a similar situation from occurring?