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A Community College Reopens. At What Cost?

Miami Dade College is worrying some faculty and students with its decision to reopen.

Co-Curricular Pathways Can Improve Retention

Such experiences, if developed strategically, can encourage students’ engagement in ways that shape their degree completion and postcollege success, writes Terry Vaughan III.

‘A Profound Act of Self-Preservation’

City College of New York's new dean of architecture quits after 10 months, saying that structural racism and a lack of support made for a crushing workload and climate.

COVID-19 Roundup: To Remote Instruction, and Back

Four more colleges suspend in-person instruction, while several others expand campus classes; a custodian dies; a university where more employees than students have the virus.

COVID Roundup: Presidential Survey Edition

Survey of presidents zeroes in on financial pressures. Working paper analyzes political factors in reopening decisions. Florida football coach calls for full-capacity stadium crowd. More colleges temporarily shift classes online or take other steps to reduce spread.

Appalachian State Grapples With Aftermath of Student Death

Confusion and concern mount in the wake of a student's death as COVID-19 infections spread.

Sidelined by Fear and Bureaucracy

Missouri Valley College students with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression want to attend classes fully online to cope with the pandemic. College officials say the students aren't eligible for such accommodations. Experts say the students are legally entitled to them.

COVID-19 Roundup: A Domino Falls on Winter Sports

New England conference cancels its winter sports season, and West Chester abandons spring sports. Some colleges resume in-person instruction as others suspend it. And a journal cites COVID-19 policy for taking a side in November.