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Low-Income Community College Students Most Likely to Cancel Plans

The pandemic is widening equity gaps as more low-income students and students of color leave higher ed.

Career Exploration in College

Essays on how colleges can do more to help undergraduates explore careers while ensuring that their educations are relevant to the job market.

Calm Before the Storm

The NSF’s new data on Ph.D.s earned in 2019 include some bright spots, including gains for underrepresented minority groups. But COVID-19 threatens to wreak havoc on soon-to-be and recent Ph.D.s for years to come, experts say.

New Degree Programs Produce Few Diplomas

A large number of recently launched degree programs fail to graduate many students. Is poor planning to blame?

Doubts About Going to College

More than a third of prospective college students are reconsidering higher education. And 43 percent of prospective students for one- and two-year programs are looking to delay enrollment, survey finds.

Not-So-Fait Accompli

University of Vermont says announced cuts to the liberal arts are happening. The faculty says otherwise. The bigger story: how universities are seizing on COVID-19 to push through long-desired curricular and staffing reforms.

Struggling to Be Heard

Students at the University of Dallas proposed a club focused on racial justice. Some students and faculty members argued the club would be divisive.

‘Never Waste a Good Pandemic’

Boulder's arts and sciences dean wants to build back the faculty post-pandemic -- one non-tenure-track instructor at a time.