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The Growing Ithaca Resistance

The college wants to cut 116 full-time positions from its non-tenure-track faculty ranks, but alumni, students and professors are putting up a fight.

Better Than Before?

Large universities saw thousands of students infected last fall. Many of those institutions are doing better this time around.

From Pfizer to Phi Beta Kappa: Getting Campuses Vaccinated

To encourage students to get vaccines, colleges should consider paying them, write Erin Todd Bronchetti, Ellen Magenheim, Benjamin Bohman, Alfred (Quin) Seivold and Keyan Shayegan.

A Spike in Cheating Since the Move to Remote?

New research finds jump in number of questions submitted to "homework help" website Chegg after start of pandemic, an increase the authors say is very likely linked to rise in cheating.

Return to In-Person Instruction Influenced by Politics

State sociopolitical factors strongly influenced four-year public colleges in their reopening decisions, new working paper finds. County sociopolitical factors played into decision making at private four-year colleges and two-year public colleges.

Australian Universities in ‘Deep Trouble’ as Borders Stay Closed

Full reopening is not expected until 2022. Some fear for Australia's ability to recover pre-pandemic share of international students.

Career Readiness in the COVID World

COVID-19 and uprisings for racial justice have called for a thorough transformation of how we prepare students for the professional world, writes Dana Hamdan.

New Variant Meets Its First University

University of Michigan’s stay-at-home order could be a look into the future for other colleges and universities, as new SARS-CoV-2 variants spread across the country.