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Reflections on Success

Success in college is about much more than getting a diploma. Our survey captured how students currently define success.

Lost Handshakes, Eye Contact and Flow State of Learning

President Marlene Tromp offers ideas on how to give what was lost during COVID online learning back to students.

Reverse Culture Shock, a Missing Piece of the Campus Puzzle

While our students may not be returning from abroad this fall, writes Luchen Li, they’re coming back to an unfamiliar place: their own campus.

A Future Crop of Farmers

A new pilot program in Texas aims to bring local college students into the industry as small family farms across the country continue to dwindle and farmers and ranchers age.

Student Persistence Fell During Pandemic

The rate at which students stayed enrolled at a postsecondary institution dropped by two percentage points last fall, yet more evidence of the impact of the pandemic and recession.

Pedagogy of Healing: Bearing Witness to Trauma and Resilience

Mays Imad suggests 13 actions professors and other educators can take to help promote students’ mental health before and during the fall semester.

A Welcome Wagon in Uncertain Times

When Kingsborough Community College president Claudia Schrader couldn’t greet incoming students on campus, she went to visit them at home. She hopes to turn the “welcome wagon” into a Kingsborough tradition.

Cosby, Rashad and Howard University

Actress’s celebratory tweet about his release from prison continues to reverberate within and outside the university that just appointed her dean. Cosby weighs in and further fuels the controversy.