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Eager to Get to Work

The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on the Class of 2022—especially regarding their mental health. But they gained resilience, and now that they're graduating, their outlook is sunny and bright.

Making Campus Police More Approachable

In the post–George Floyd era, some college police departments are demilitarizing uniforms and repainting cars to appear less intimidating and try to earn students’ trust.

Free Speech or Princeton’s Red Scare?

The university has officially, and glibly, targeted a professor as "racist" in ways that evoke shameful moments in American history.

The Hope Center’s Revolving Door

Temple University hires outside counsel to investigate Sara Goldrick-Rab’s Hope Center. Numerous former and current employees say it’s about workplace climate complaints, but Goldrick-Rab says she requested the inquiry.

Newspaper Standoff at VMI

Virginia Military Institute administrators have a contentious relationship with a resurrected student newspaper, which they worry is a puppet publication for alumni with an ax to grind against reforms.

Reversing Course on Mask Mandates

Colleges across the U.S. are changing policies on mask mandates, reinstituting such requirements amid increasing coronavirus cases. Some see a direct link to spring break travel.

COVID or Not, Why They Come (and How It’s Going)

A look at how the pandemic impacted—or didn’t—students’ admissions and college choice process and experiences.

‘An Assault on Many Fronts’

Students, parents, employees and administrators at historically Black colleges and universities are wrestling with the mental health challenges caused by repeated bomb threats.