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Taking Race Out of Crime Alerts?

University of Nebraska at Lincoln is under fire by students who thought police should not have mentioned in a campuswide bulletin that two men accused of sexual assault were black, believing that it reinforced harmful stereotypes.

Fearing a Colleague

Professor at UC Irvine takes to Twitter to demand action on her complaint against a fellow instructor, whom she views as a harasser.

Chancellor Resigns Amid Investigation of Husband

Wisconsin Whitewater's leader will be gone by end of year.

The New Title IX Guidelines Benefit Survivors

They prove the rights of both parties are not mutually exclusive, argues Meg Mott, and assume that survivors deserve to be treated as functional human beings.

A Direct Contradiction

Lawyers and Title IX practitioners have identified potential conflicts between the Trump administration's new proposed regulations on the gender discrimination law and state policy.

What the DeVos Title IX Rule Means for Misconduct Off Campus

Colleges are likely to continue investigating off-campus sexual misconduct with implications for classroom environment despite changes advanced in proposed Title IX rule, higher ed lawyers say. But questions remain.

Felony Charges Against Former Michigan State President

Lou Anna K. Simon has been accused of lying to police in the investigation of Larry Nassar.

Sharp Divide Over Trump Administration's Title IX Overhaul

DeVos says proposed campus sexual misconduct rule will restore fairness. But survivor advocates warn it will reduce the responsibility of colleges to maintain a safe environment.