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The Consequences of Not Complying

As institutions focus on sexual misconduct and campus safety, they should not forget the law that requires them to curb harmful and illegal substances, write Bradley D. Custer and Michael M. DeBowes.

Whether the University Did Enough

A federal appeals court found that Iowa State officials were not indifferent to a sexual assault survivor when they declined to move the student she accused of rape.

Saudi Students' Flights From U.S. Justice

The Oregonian reports on a series of cases in which Saudi students at U.S. colleges were accused of crimes but disappeared before facing U.S. criminal charges. Two senators introduce legislation calling for investigation of Saudi government's role.

The Virginia Scandals Spread

Hundreds of political scientists back colleague who accused lieutenant governor; Duke removes him from an advisory board; new accusation made about Duke failing to respond to rape report; racist yearbook photos found at more institutions.

Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking

Jeffrey J. Nolan and Marisa Randazzo describe how colleges and universities can use threat assessment teams to promote safety in such cases.

College Groups Blast DeVos Title IX Proposal

Higher ed lobby says new regulations governing campus handling of sexual misconduct complaints would create a quasi-legal system that would burden colleges and infringe on the rights of students.

Multiple Warnings, No Action

University of Utah student told campus police officers multiple times she was worried about repeated, harassing text messages from ex-boyfriend. They did little to help her, and he murdered her, on campus. Experts say the tragedy points to the need for colleges to do more about domestic violence.

Words Matter at Michigan State

Board of Trustees pushes out interim president John Engler after nearly a year of tumult and eye-opening comments at Michigan State, including recent suggestion that some abuse victims enjoy "the spotlight."