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A Better Approach to Addressing Campus Sexual Violence

The Trump administration’s new rules narrow the focus of Title IX. Government should now focus more on prevention than on enforcement, Joy Blanchard argues.

What the Therapist Knows

A magistrate judge in New York is seeking to make available the confidential records of a therapist-student relationship, to gain more information about a university's possible Title IX violations.

Hold Off or Proceed?

The coronavirus pandemic is presenting barriers to conducting "prompt and equitable" investigations of sexual misconduct on college campuses, as required by law. College administrators weigh whether to continue investigations or put things on hold.

A Tougher Stand on Sexual Misconduct

University of Texas at Austin accepts recommendation to fire faculty members and staff found guilty of sexual misconduct and, in some cases, make their names public.

Getting Campuses Ready for the Coronavirus

What should leaders be doing to prepare their colleges if the situation worsens? Chuck Staben offers suggestions.

Title IX Complicates Hill Negotiations on Higher Ed

Final Title IX rule from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is expected to set off a fight on Capitol Hill, and one of the casualties could be reauthorizing the Higher Education Act.

Increased Legal Scrutiny for Sexual Assault Policies

A federal appeals court's decision in California puts pressure on institutions to ensure Title IX policies and procedures effectively prevent sexual misconduct.

OCR Is About to Rock Our Worlds

Brett A. Sokolow offers advice for how to respond to the new Title IX regulations that will be published soon.