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What Custodians Can Teach Colleges About Health and Safety

The exclusion of custodial workers from conversations about such topics reflects a broader culture of race- and class-based inequality, argues Calley Marotta.

Don’t Be a Target for Internet Fraud

Criminals often target colleges for cyberattacks, and DeRionne P. Pollard shares lessons her institution learned firsthand in hopes of helping others prevent or respond to one.

Don't Rely on Student Contracts to Safeguard Your Campus

They will not yield enough influence to impact students’ COVID-19 behaviors, particularly in their current form, argue Alyssa Lederer and Jeni Stolow.

Deadline Time for New Federal Sexual Assault Policies

The regulations for responding to campus sexual misconduct complaints go into effect today. Some colleges are implementing them along with their own guidelines to protect sexual assault victims.

Love and Privacy in the Time of COVID

Contact tracing will go beyond our institutional control, warns Michael Corn, as its practical requirements will assuredly draw our data out and, in the process, erode confidentiality protections.

CUNY Layoffs Prompt Union Lawsuit

City University of New York laid off 2,800 adjunct professors and part-time staff members last week. The union representing the employees responded by suing the university system.

Campus Sexual Assault Policy Changes Not Widely Known

A survey found a general lack of public knowledge about new federal regulations on campus sexual assault policies.

From Guantánamo Warden to Campus Security Chief

Faculty and students at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte seek the firing of associate vice chancellor for safety and security because of his record as former warden of the U.S. detention center in Guantánamo Bay.