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Building Students' 'Cultural Capital'

Academic and student affairs officers discuss their responsibilities to help first-generation students overcome deficits in exposure to arts and culture -- and the pros and cons of requirements.

Wanted: Adoring Female Students

Do male professors need and seek out attention from their female students? A popular feminist blogger thinks so, as do many of her Twitter followers.

Broadening the Transgender Agenda

While some still reject gender-neutral housing, other colleges are pushing transgender inclusion with new policies.

Buyer Beware

College officials raise concerns about the private international student health insurance market, where there are plans that exclude coverage for chemotherapy or only pay up to $3,000 for surgery.

Not Just a Place to Sleep

Colleges need to make residency halls into sites for civic learning, writes Adam Weinberg.

Preventing 'Molly' Deaths

Recent student overdoses lead some colleges to step up education against a form of ecstasy.

Residence Halls Get Religion

Indicative of a larger trend, several faith-based dorms are opening on campuses, and not just private ones.

Students Lawyer Up

Many college officials oppose North Carolina's new law guaranteeing students the option of legal representation in campus judicial hearings.