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Alabama Dean Resigns Following Tweets on Racism

Dean of student affairs quits following the resurrection of his 2017 tweets connecting the American flag and police to racism.

George Washington Colonial Under Fire

Some students view term as racist.

Reframing Resiliency

We must find strategies to support our students' long-term emotional and social growth in ways that go beyond the crisis of the day, write Vrinda Varia and Jordan Brooks.

Re: Hellllllp!!!!

Many professors say that teaching students how to email them properly is a necessary gift that keeps on giving.

A Lingering Tradition

First-year students at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology still wear university-issued freshman beanies, but the tradition is now strictly optional. Once a way to belittle freshmen, the practice now helps build relationships.

Trans Students Often Struggle With Mental Health

Gender-nonconforming students are four times more likely than peers to report mental health issues such as depression and suicide, according to a new study that calls for more campus supports.

A Vice Chancellor and His Tweets

North Carolina State loses student affairs official after complaints from conservative groups about his comments on social media.

Orientation Programs for Helicopter Parents

Colleges are increasingly offering separate orientation programs for parents as means of assuaging their fears about their children being on their own.