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Students Disengage From Controversy

Many students were hesitant to discuss controversial topics in the classroom and felt their campuses' climate did not allow for open discourse during the fall 2020 semester, according to a new report.

Dropping the Ball

Sometimes damage is done when federal agencies simply fail to act in a timely fashion, and, in this case, it’s the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, write Sarah Spreitzer and Terry W. Hartle.

Pandemic Pressures

Chegg surveyed students from 21 countries about their mental health, student debt, perceptions of online learning and attitudes about their countries and their futures.

The Damaging Impact of Unattainable Expectations

One subject rarely broached in debates about student mental health is the hypercompetitive atmosphere that colleges and universities foster through their marketing, argues Caleb Wellum.

‘College Belonging’

Author discusses her new book on first-generation students and how they navigate college life.

From Pfizer to Phi Beta Kappa: Getting Campuses Vaccinated

To encourage students to get vaccines, colleges should consider paying them, write Erin Todd Bronchetti, Ellen Magenheim, Benjamin Bohman, Alfred (Quin) Seivold and Keyan Shayegan.

From Surviving to Thriving

The pandemic has forced institutions to reckon finally with the fundamental issues of the true value of higher education from a student's perspective, Peter Lake and Rob Buelow write.

Deciding Under the Influence

College students shouldn’t be forced to choose between their success and their safety, contends Brian Sayler.