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Pandemic Workplace Protections Divide Congress

As some professors and other campus workers raise concerns about their safety as campuses reopen, Congress is divided over increasing federal workplace safety regulations during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Roundup: Counting the Campus Cases

New York Times identifies 6,300 COVID-19 cases linked to 270 colleges, including 14 deaths. Survey finds college staff members wanting more communication from their leaders. And more decisions about campus reopenings (or not).

COVID-19 and Online Education Decisions

New survey data show pandemic may be disproportionately influencing women to choose online education over in-person options.

Counting Them In or Out?

With campuses mostly empty, college towns are reporting low response rates for the 2020 Census. The U.S. Census Bureau is allowing colleges to submit more data to get a more accurate count of students.

Communicating Risks to Foster Compliance

Colleges are employing multipronged strategies to inform students about the pandemic. Will their efforts get students to take safety precautions seriously?

Closed Test Centers, COVID-19 and the ACT

Some students couldn't take the ACT; some took it with coronavirus.

COVID-19 Roundup: Outbreaks and iPads

Two colleges report outbreaks and a third reports its president hospitalized. Duke adjusts plans. Washington State U will go online while Cornell limits student move-in to two suitcases and a backpack. Bowdoin will issue iPads.

Rebates and Reversals

As more colleges announce online fall terms, some are also reducing tuition rates. Wealthy families are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of those discounts.